Corporate tax

An increasingly complex tax landscape

Corporate tax is very much in the public eye, under scrutiny by governments, media and other stakeholders around the world. Tax laws are also becoming increasingly complex, with global regulatory changes and the evolution of reporting standards creating new challenges for business.

With businesses increasingly working across borders, your people need to fully understand the rules of play in your chosen markets. In doing so, they will be better able to drive value while achieving compliance.

Our corporate tax services

PwC's Corporate Tax team can help you navigate the changing tax environment. Our specialists will work with you to manage risks, identify opportunities and develop a robust tax strategy that aligns with your organisation's strategic goals.

Corporate tax compliance

Managing tax compliance is increasingly complex. The ever-changing regulatory environment and more effective enforcement by tax authorities requires companies to re-examine and enhance their processes to ensure that they meet their tax compliance obligations.

Your business may face in-house tax resource constraints or escalating or uncertain costs. You may also desire greater control over data collection and processing, and the corresponding tax compliance issues to leverage opportunities and mitigate risk.

We can help you to take care of your corporate tax compliance obligations. With the help of tax technology and software programmes, we will work with you to prepare tax returns and the supporting computations quickly, accurately and cost-efficiently.

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Mergers and acquisitions

The mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market has been buoyant for the past decade. In 2021 alone, deals worth more than $5.8 trillion were agreed worldwide and the total value of deals with Irish involvement was $104.6 billion; six times greater than in 2020 and the highest figure since records began over 40 years ago.

If you are a buyer or a seller anticipating an M&A-related transaction, our Deals Tax group can help you to meet your tax obligations while managing the tax impact of the transaction on our business.

Our Deals Tax team has worked with medium and large corporates, Irish plcs, private equity funds, semi-state bodies as well as local investors on a broad range of M&A related transactions. We can assist you with:

  • buy-side or sell-side tax due diligence

  • the design and implementation of acquisition or financing structures to support Irish and international transactions

  • the tax elements of legal transaction documentation

  • the tax elements of financial models

R&D tax credit

In a competitive global environment, Ireland's research and development (R&D) tax credits regime is instrumental in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to Ireland and stimulating growth within indigenous Irish companies.

While the Irish R&D regime is particularly attractive by international standards, it is evolving continuously. Claims must be managed carefully to ensure that they meet the relevant requirements.

PwC's multi-disciplinary R&D team assists companies with all aspects of R&D claims, maximising the benefits while managing the risks. We work with companies in all industry sectors, and our team comprises engineers and scientists in addition to tax and accounting experts.

Our key service offerings include:

  • preparation of technical reports and financial files to support R&D claims

  • preparation and submission of R&D grant claims

  • design and implementation of appropriate R&D tax credit processes and controls

  • R&D Revenue audits and self-reviews

Transfer pricing

The transfer pricing (TP) landscape is evolving rapidly as a result of changing regulations, escalating documentation requirements and penalties, and increasing TP audit activity globally.

Managing TP risk remains critical as businesses and tax authorities navigate increasingly uncertain times and growing demands for more tax transparency. The BEPS 2.0 debate is also leading to greater international tax regulation and review.

With this changing environment in focus, our TP team is well-positioned to help you manage your TP risks and advise you on all aspects from policy-setting, documentation and compliance to the development and implementation of tax-efficient, sustainable business models.

We use the experience and know-how of our local experts, together with PwC's global network of TP specialists, to provide our clients with the best solutions. We also offer leading-edge digital tools and analytical technologies to deliver tailored solutions for your business.

Capital allowances

Revenue permits companies to claim certain costs and expenditure against its profits to reduce the amount of tax it pays. Such capital allowances can be applied to certain types of business assets and premises including plant and machinery, motor vehicles, industrial buildings, transmission capacity rights, computer software and specified intangible assets.

While the capital allowance landscape is complex, it is important that your business avails of all available reliefs and maximises its tax savings. PwC's capital allowances team has a unique blend of expertise and insights, and can help you on this journey.

Our specialists can assist your business with:

  • Capital project cost segregation
  • Real estate valuation analysis
  • Fixed asset reviews
  • Transaction consulting
  • Revenue intervention support
  • Process design and support

Audiovisual, film and digital gaming tax reliefs

In Ireland, the following tax reliefs are available to support technological innovation and growth in the creative sector:

  • Tax relief for the film, television and animation industry (commonly known as ‘film relief’)
  • Digital games tax credit

Film relief incentivises the production of films, creative documentaries, TV dramas and animation that promote, develop and enhance our national culture.

The digital games tax credit applies to expenditure on the design, production and testing of qualifying digital games that contribute to the development of Irish or European culture.

Both reliefs require cultural certification from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport & Media.

Our tax experts understand the intricacies of these tax reliefs for this vital sector, and can work with you to optimise the benefit of these valuable incentives.

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Budget 2025

Leveraging tax policies for sustainable business growth.

Contact us

Paraic Burke

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 87 679 7774

Liam Diamond

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 86 405 6965

Ronan MacNioclais

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 86 817 7408

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