Tax services

The tax landscape is undergoing a period of intense reform, with changes due to take effect in the years ahead. Tax and finance teams must prepare for these changes.

Keeping pace with an evolving tax landscape

The tax landscape has changed considerably in recent years, and will continue to evolve into the future. The OECD and EU-led tax reforms are completely changing the landscape of tax policymaking. Add to this the increasingly global and cross-border nature of trade and ways of working, and a truly complex tax picture emerges.

Leveraging our local experts, global network and innovative technology, PwC's tax team can provide deep tax technical expertise alongside the critical context to help you make informed and compliant decisions that drive your operations forward.

Preparing your tax function to face the future

Our tax experts help organisations ensure compliance throughout their operations in a cost-efficient way, while navigating the evolving demand for increased tax transparency. The result is organisations that are compliant, trusted, and ready to face the future.

Corporate tax

Those responsible for managing the tax function face the dual challenge of increased complexity alongside increased public and regulatory scrutiny and heightened demands for tax transparency.

In this highly sensitive and fluid environment, the tax function must fully understand the rules and regulations of the markets in which they operate as any form of non-compliance could be detrimental from a reputational perspective.

PwC's team of local tax experts, bolstered by the collective knowledge in our global network, can help your organisation remain compliant and tax-efficient, while advising on a range of activities from mergers and acquisitions to the R&D tax credit, transfer pricing, capital allowances and more.


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International tax

Ireland has long been a popular destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) and houses the operations of some of the largest companies in the world. As a result, the Irish tax regime needs to be acutely attuned to international tax developments.

Meanwhile, public and regulatory scrutiny of organisations' tax affairs is increasing. The conversation on tax reform takes place as part of the broader discussion around environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. In a more transparent and accountable world, tax compliance and tax transparency become standing items on the agenda of leadership teams around the world.

PwC helps businesses understand the impact of evolving global and local tax developments. From global tax support to structured finance, information reporting and global tax compliance services, our local experts and global network can help align your organisation's global tax strategy with its business model, international footprint and supply chain. We can also help you manage your worldwide effective tax rate and global tax compliance obligations.


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VAT, customs and other taxes

The tax policy landscape for VAT, customs and other taxes has more than simply evolved in recent years – it is in a constant state of flux. This adds significant pressure to often stretched tax functions, who can struggle to stay informed of the latest developments in real time.

Despite the challenging environment when it comes to VAT, customs and other taxes, the risks associated with errors or non-compliance are significant. The outcomes can devastate both a company's reputation and financial health.

As a truly global organisation, PwC has worked in all jurisdictions and industry sectors. Whether you need assistance in relation to VAT, customs, excise, relevant contracts tax or stamp duty, our team of experts can help you ensure compliance while minimising cost.


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Tax risk and controversy

Organisations' tax affairs are under increasing scrutiny from a variety of stakeholders, from governments and regulators to consumers and employees. In this environment, where tax transparency is increasingly valued and expected, tax risk must be managed carefully to ensure that organisations' tax strategies promote brand loyalty and foster a high degree of trust.

PwC's Tax Risk and Controversy team provides a variety of services to help you achieve this goal, from Revenue audit support and tax health checks to tax appeals and transfer pricing dispute resolution. Our local team is supported by a global network of experts to ensure that your reputation is protected and your tax strategy remains a valuable business asset.


An illustrative graphic of percentage, caution and pie-chart symbols on an orange-coloured background.

Tax technology and transformation

Organisations are increasingly turning to tax technology to modernise their tax function, boost its capability and ensure that their tax professionals are prepared for a forward-looking world. This evolution is vital as the volume of data increases exponentially and organisations rely on their tax function to drive efficiencies while managing risk.

At PwC, our Tax Technology team has the knowledge and experience to help your organisation transform its tax function by identifying the right investments, leveraging automation and guiding you on the journey with a clear road map for delivery. We can help you ensure that your investment in tax technology transforms the function into a strategic partner for your organisation.


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Budget 2025

Leveraging tax policies for sustainable business growth.

Contact us

Paraic Burke

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 87 679 7774

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