Deals Advisory

Unlock opportunities for growth and transformation with our expert Deals Advisory services. Make strategic decisions today to secure your future and define tomorrow’s value.

The race for a competitive edge demands starting with a plan and sticking to it. In the deals journey, you need to use data-fuelled insights to make confident decisions at the right time. The opportunity is there – you need to seize it. Whether we work with you on mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, divestitures or operating in a crisis situation, we help you create, realise and protect value. Our experience and knowledge of your business delivers the complete deal experience and results.

Deals Advisory services

Our Deals Advisory team works with you to turn high stakes into high growth. We bring your optimal path into focus and guide you to the destination, and beyond.

Selling your business

Whether you're looking to spin off, carve out a piece or sell your entire company, the right deal can establish your business in the market for years to come. You need to be prepared to show your commercial and financial strength to potential buyers. We can help you manage and maximise your value in the marketplace.


Mergers and Acquisitions

The mergers and acquisitions market is defined by its complexity and pace. The right transaction can boost your business strategy. It can also capture value from step one to deal close. That means more than making acquisitions happen – it means making them work. We can help you do that and create a path to competitive, lasting success.


Corporate intelligence

Trust and reputation in business relationships are essential. The actions and profile of those you choose to do business with matter. Stakeholders expect integrity, and regulators are scrutinising third-party relationships more thoroughly. We provide the intelligence you need to make sound, well-informed decisions that protect your brand and reputation, and enhance your strategy.


Business and forensic investigations

From time to time, companies may need to investigate fraud, breaches of ethics, conflicts of interest and other forms of impropriety. They need a thorough, professional and independent approach. Stakeholders and regulators also need reassurance of an appropriate response and resolution. We help you to protect value and build trust in your business, processes and systems.


Dispute advisory

Resolving disputes can be complex and time-consuming. No company makes an agreement expecting it to end in disagreement. But litigation, arbitration, mediation, expert determination and insurance claims are always possibilities. And you need expert, powerful solutions to arrive at rapid resolution. We are here to help you.


Capital Projects and Infrastructure

Capital and infrastructure projects are complex by nature. Our team delivers end-to-end expertise to support Ireland’s national development plan, climate action plan and contribute to the country’s future growth. Whether you are in the early planning stage or the live delivery phase, we can help you achieve the right outcome.


Restructuring and insolvency

Businesses can face financial under-performance or crisis. Delivering the right restructuring solutions can help build a platform for recovery. We provide discreet and confidential advisory services to stakeholders in troubled financial situations. 


Recent M&A Transactions

Highlights of recent M&A experience.

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Global M&A Industry Trends: 2024 Outlook

The M&A starting bell has rung. Are you ready?

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Meet the Deals Advisory team

The power of people, reimagined.

Explore our Deals Advisory thought leadership

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Contact us

Deirdre McGrath

Deirdre McGrath

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 (0) 86 814 1380

Paul Tuite

Paul Tuite

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

David Tynan

David Tynan

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Declan McDonald

Declan McDonald

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)
