PwC Report on the BITCI Low Carbon Pledge

PwC’s fourth annual report on the BITCI Low Carbon Pledge outlines the progress being made by signatory companies in setting and adhering to science-based targets as they set a collective ambition to play their part in limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

This year, the report shows steady progress in BITCI’s stated ambition of companies setting science-based emission reduction targets no later than 2024. For example, 41% of signatories have set targets and a further 29% have committed to setting such targets.

Although the signs are positive, the need for action is increasingly urgent. Potential solutions to the climate crisis have also been further complicated by the war in Ukraine—in particular, with regard to the global energy crisis.

The business community must therefore take the lead, and this report highlights key actions and exemplar business practices that will help companies advance their emission-reduction efforts.

Windmills in a field

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Kim McClenaghan

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Luke Redmond

Senior Manager, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 85 1361180

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