PwC Ireland has published its 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report

PwC Ireland has published its 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report. The report, mandatory for organisations with 250 employees or more, shows that women make up at least half of our population across all levels within the firm. 

Our mean gender pay gap remains low at 1.6%, and while we have seen a small increase from 0.9% last year, some degree of movement is expected each year due to the volume of employee movement (leavers and joiners) and the variety of pay elements (e.g.overtime, benefit allowances, discretionary performance bonus) included in the calculation. 

Our gender bonus pay gap has greatly improved  from 12.9% to 6.4% within a one-year period - with an equal proportion of men and women in receipt of bonuses.

We continue to drive progress on our inclusion journey, but we know there is more to do. We remain focused on delivering against our ‘Inclusion First’ Strategy and taking action to ensure our culture creates a sense of belonging for everyone.

Our report outlines the steps we will take in 2024 and beyond to ensure we progress on our gender equality and broader inclusion ambitions.

PwC 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report

Contact us

Doone O'Doherty

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 87 276 8112

Rachel Power

Senior Manager, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 87 1730 775

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