Tax Risk and Controversy webcast

09 March, 2021

Transfer pricing

The latest webcast in our Tax Risk and Controversy series focuses on the transfer pricing landscape. What are the key points that companies should consider at each phase of the transfer pricing risk and controversy lifecycle? How can they effectively manage pre-audit dispute prevention, audit management, through to post-audit dispute resolution?

We also look at Irish Revenue's approach to transfer pricing interventions and disputes, and how best to manage existing transfer pricing interventions. We review the options available to taxpayers following a transfer pricing intervention in Ireland and abroad, and our panel share their advice on how best to mitigate the risk of future transfer pricing disputes.

Tax partner Paraic Burke is joined for a panel discussion on these issues and more by Aidan Lucey who specialises in supporting clients through Revenue interventions and their broader management of tax risk, Danielle Cunniffe who supports clients in managing tax appeals and disputes with Revenue. and Kevin Ryan who has experience in assisting clients through Irish Revenue transfer pricing audits, APAs, MAP, and correlative relief claims.

Contact us

Paraic Burke

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 87 679 7774

Aidan Lucey

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Danielle Cunniffe

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

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