07 June, 2023
PwC Ireland is delighted to announce the admission of 12 new Partners.
Pictured is Enda McDonagh, PwC Ireland’s incoming Managing Partner (far left), with PwC’s new Partners (l-r) Moira Cronin, Nick O’Brien, Sinead Lew, Johnny Wickham, Marie Taylor-Ghent, Brian Lavery, Fionán Moriarty, Eoin Tippins, Julie Kennedy, Shane O’Regan, Laura Gilbride and Keiran Barbalich.
PwC Ireland is delighted to announce the admission of 12 new Partners: Keiran Barbalich (Advisory), Moira Cronin (Assurance), Laura Gilbride (Advisory), Julie Kennedy (Advisory), Brian Lavery (Tax), Sinead Lew (Tax), Fionán Moriarty (Advisory), Nick O’Brien (Tax), Shane O’Regan (Assurance), Marie Taylor-Ghent (Assurance), Eoin Tippins (Assurance) and Johnny Wickham (Tax).
Together, the new Partners cover a diverse range of business areas and reflect further investment in the firm’s growth and market ambition.
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