ESG: a competitive advantage for organisations

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  • Insight
  • 2 minute read
  • June 24, 2024

C-suite executives recognise the potential of ESG to drive business success

Most C-suite executives believe that environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives will be a source of competitive advantage for their organisations, according to a recent poll conducted at The PwC Leadership Exchange. As stakeholder expectations and regulatory requirements evolve, leaders increasingly recognise the strategic importance of ESG in driving long-term business success.

David McGee

David McGee

ESG Leader, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Will environmental, social and governance (ESG) be a source of competitive advantage for your organisation?

Source: PwC's Leadership Exchange event 

The poll results show that 55% of C-suite executives believe that ESG will be a source of competitive advantage for their organisations, while 24% do not and 21% are unsure. This reflects a tipping point among business leaders regarding the potential benefits of integrating ESG considerations into their strategies and operations.

Leveraging ESG as a competitive advantage requires a holistic and strategic approach for C-suite executives. By aligning ESG initiatives with core business objectives, engaging stakeholders and communicating their efforts effectively, organisations can differentiate themselves in the market, attract and retain talent, and build resilience in the face of emerging risks.

Three key takeaways for C-suite business leaders seeking to leverage ESG as a competitive advantage:

1. Integrate ESG into core business strategy and decision-making processes.

To fully realise the competitive benefits of ESG, C-suite executives should ensure that sustainability considerations are embedded into every aspect of their organisation’s operations. This involves setting clear ESG targets, assigning accountability and aligning incentives with ESG performance. By making ESG an integral part of their business strategy, leaders can drive innovation, improve risk management and create long-term value for all stakeholders.

2. Align ESG efforts with regulatory requirements and reporting standards.

As regulations such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) come into force, it’s crucial for C-suite executives to ensure their organisations are prepared to meet these new requirements. CSRD aims to improve the quality, consistency and comparability of sustainability reporting across the EU, making it easier for stakeholders to assess a company’s ESG performance. By proactively aligning ESG strategies and reporting practices with CSRD and other relevant regulations, leaders can demonstrate their commitment to transparency, mitigate compliance risks and build trust with stakeholders.

3. Communicate ESG efforts transparently and authentically to build trust and credibility.

To reap the reputational benefits of ESG, organisations must communicate their initiatives and progress transparently, consistently and authentically. By sharing their sustainability journey openly, acknowledging challenges and celebrating successes, leaders can build trust with stakeholders and differentiate their brands in an increasingly competitive landscape.

As the business case for ESG continues to strengthen, C-suite executives who recognise its potential as a source of competitive advantage will be well-positioned to drive long-term success for their organisations.

If you want to discuss how to leverage ESG as a competitive advantage in your organisation, contact us today.


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David McGee

David McGee

ESG Leader, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 86 268 1522
