AI and GenAI: catalysts for accelerating business transformation

The leadership exchange hero
  • Insight
  • June 24, 2024

C-Suite executives recognise the transformative potential of AI and GenAI

A recent poll conducted at The PwC Leadership Exchange highlights the significant role that artificial intelligence (AI) and Generative AI (GenAI) are expected to play in expediting organisational transformation over the next 12 months. As these technologies advance rapidly, C-suite executives increasingly recognise their potential to help drive efficiency, innovation and competitive advantage.

Amy Ball

Amy Ball

Business Transformation Leader, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

The poll results reveal that 65% of C-suite executives believe AI and GenAI will have a large or very large impact on accelerating organisational transformation in the coming year. 20% anticipate a moderate impact, while only 13% expect minimal impact and 1% foresee no impact at all.

For C-suite leaders, harnessing the power of AI and GenAI requires a strategic and proactive approach. Organisations can reap the benefits of AI-driven transformation by identifying key areas where these technologies can drive value, investing in the necessary infrastructure and talent, managing the associated risks, and ensuring responsible use.

Three key takeaways for C-suite business leaders who want to harness the transformative power of AI and GenAI:

1. Identify strategic applications of AI and GenAI to drive business value.

To maximise the impact of these technologies, C-suite executives should carefully assess their organisations’ unique needs and opportunities. This involves identifying specific use cases where AI and GenAI can enhance decision-making, streamline processes or unlock new revenue streams. Leaders can ensure their investments deliver tangible results by aligning AI initiatives with core business objectives and focusing on areas with the highest potential for value creation.

2. Invest in the necessary infrastructure, talent and governance frameworks to support AI adoption.

Successful AI implementation requires a robust foundation of data, technology and human capital. C-suite executives should prioritise investments in data management systems, cloud infrastructure and AI-specific talent to build the capabilities needed to support their AI ambitions. Additionally, leaders should focus on the digital upskilling of all employees while establishing clear governance frameworks and ethical guidelines to ensure responsible and transparent use of existing and new technologies.

3. Manage the risks and ethical implications of AI and GenAI proactively.

As organisations increasingly rely on AI and GenAI to drive decision-making and automate processes, carefully considering the potential risks and unintended consequences is essential. C-suite leaders should work closely with their legal, risk and compliance teams to identify and mitigate potential biases, privacy concerns and security vulnerabilities associated with AI systems. Organisations can build trust with stakeholders and safeguard their reputations by proactively addressing these issues and maintaining their commitment to responsible AI practices.

As AI and GenAI’s transformative potential continues to unfold, C-suite executives who can effectively harness these technologies will be well-positioned to drive innovation, efficiency and competitive advantage for their organisations. By identifying strategic applications, investing in the necessary capabilities and managing risks proactively, leaders can unlock the full benefits of human-led, tech-powered transformation.

Contact us today to discuss how to leverage AI and GenAI to expedite transformation in your organisation.

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Amy Ball

Amy Ball

Business Transformation Leader, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 86 040 0633

David Lee

David Lee

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Martin Duffy

Martin Duffy

Director, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Keith Power

Keith Power

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 86 824 6993
