Income tax calculator 2024

What will the provisions contained in Budget 2024 mean for you? Use our interactive calculator to help you estimate your tax position for the year ahead.

Calculate your income tax

A close-up photo of an Apple keyboard and magic mouse.

Terms, conditions and assumptions

Please note the results are approximate. Variations can arise due to rounding.

Due to the complexity of the tax and PRSI rules, results are based on a number of tax assumptions including:

  • That you are an individual paying tax and PRSI under the PAYE system. This calculator is not suitable for persons liable to income tax, USC and PRSI as a self-employed contributor.  
  • A blended PRSI rate of 4.025% has been applied to account for the 0.1% increase in PRSI which takes effect from 1 October 2024 onwards. The calculator assumes that income will be earned evenly throughout 2024 as part of this approach. 
  • For the status of married with two earners, for the purposes of the calculation, the salary figures of the spouse should be input separately. For other sources of income and benefits in kind, the calculator assumes that these income sources are your own income and not jointly earned. For the status of married with two earners, that both spouses are in the same PRSI category and the same age
  • That there are no tax credits available against investment income; for example, dividend withholding tax
  • Income subject to DIRT is not included
  • Widowed status does not include the additional credit due in the five years following bereavement. The calculator also assumes you are not in the year of bereavement, as the tax treatment in year of bereavement is dependant on your basis of assessment prior to bereavement and can vary amongst individuals
  • You may be entitled to a portion of the home carer's credit where your spouse earns income in excess of €7,200. The calculator does not take account of this
  • Additional tax reliefs may be available depending on personal circumstances
  • Neither you (or, if married, your spouse) are Medical Card Holder(s)
  • For remote working expenses, if you are in a house share or other living arrangement where you are not jointly assessed with a spouse and you do not incur the full cost of the household bills, you should only include the proportion of the bills paid by you. It is assumed that the level of expenses and the number of days worked remotely will remain the same for both years
  • For company car BIK, the taxable value is calculated based on a combination of the emission levels of the car and the total business mileage carried out
  • Where the rental credit has been selected, it is assumed that you satisfy the conditions necessary to avail of this credit for 2023 and 2024, and that the total credit of €750 (single person) or €1,500 (married couple) applies.
  • Where Small Landlord Tax Relief has been selected, it is assumed that you satisfy the conditions necessary to avail of this relief for 2024. 
  • Where Mortgage Interest Relief has been selected, it is assumed that you satisfy the conditions necessary to avail of this relief for 2023. The relief due has been factored into your 2023 tax credit entitlements.
  • Cost of living measures such as domestic electricity credits a reduction in college fees, free school books, and reductions in child care costs do not directly affect your net take home pay and have been excluded from the calculation as a result

Budget 2024

Calculate your income tax

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