How can we help?


We are focused on creating value for our clients, large and small. PwC has a range of expertise in the areas of audit, tax and advisory services located across our seven offices throughout Ireland. We are open and available to chat with you about your plans and / or concerns. We are keen to help you to navigate your opportunities and challenges with the goal of maximising profits, minimising costs and saving you time and resources.

Find out more about how we can help you

Expand abroad

Our unrivalled global food network allows you to access international tax planning techniques including developing a business and operating model which minimises your group’s tax costs. Our experience shows that a well planned, informed approach to preparing for expansion overseas can help equip your business with the skills and competencies to maximise the advantages of going global into new markets.

Plan for the future

We can help you to minimise taxes on the extraction of value for shareholders, the transfer of your business to family members, optimise your pension scheme and incentivise your management team.

Raising finance

We can advise you on funding your future plans through bank financing, equity investment or business / asset disposals. We can help you to develop business plans and to assess your funding requirements and cash flow pinch points. Correctly matching the source and use of finance will result in higher profi ts, lower taxes and improved cash flow.


We can advise you on the best strategy to grow your business. Options available include organic growth, joint ventures and acquisitions among others. Having a clear strategy allows you to make the optimum use of your funds and resources, thus maximising your potential for success.

Supply chain

We can perform a complete review of your supply chain comparing it to direct competitors and best in class practices. We can help you explore your options to enhance your business processes and unlock efficiencies.

Optimise your tax position

We can explore the tax consequences of your business transactions with you and advise you on the best approach to minimise your tax bill. We have experts that can advise you on research and development tax credits, capital allowances, disposals and acquisitions and tax reliefs for new equity investments.


Our audit approach is at the leading edge of best practice, underpinned by our deep food and agribusiness knowledge, wide international experience and global network of skilled professionals.

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