How to set up a management company or an investment firm in Ireland

10 September, 2019

To set up a UCITS Management Company, AIFM Management Company or a MiFID investment firm in Ireland you must obtain authorisation from the Central Bank of Ireland ("CBI").

Whether you choose to establish a UCITS Management Company, AIFM Management Company or a MiFID Investment Firm, once authorisation is granted by the CBI you can passport your services throughout the EU.

The table below lists some of the key considerations when setting up a management company in Ireland.

Business professionals gather round ideas on post-its stuck to a large office window.
  Management company Investment firm
Substance Does your firm know of the substance requirements from the CBI?
Governance Has your firm assessed the governance requirements set out by the CBI?
Regulatory capital Has your firm considered the regulatory capital implications of setting up in Ireland?
Irish regulatory landscape Is your firm familiar with the laws and regulations applicable in Ireland?
Fitness and probity Is your firm aware of the requirements set out by the CBI when it comes to rules that apply to senior management and above?
Tax Does your firm understand its obligations under Irish tax rules and how it will be taxed?

We have a team of dedicated experts who can help you set up your fund management company in Ireland today. Contact us today.

Contact us

Marie Coady

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Fiona Gaskin

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 86 771 3665

Dervla McCormack

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 87 283 4578

Trish Johnston

Assurance Leader, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Tel: +353 86 814 5054

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