Yvonne Mowlds

Yvonne Mowlds

Partner, PwC Ireland (Republic of)

Yvonne is a Government and Healthcare Consulting Partner and leads PwC Ireland’s Healthcare team.

She has spent the last 17 years specialising in healthcare, including ten years with the UK Healthcare Regulator Monitor (now NHS Improvement). Yvonne was regional director for the north of England and during her time at the Regulator, she led some of the most high-profile regulatory interventions in the NHS. She worked with boards of Foundation Trusts and system leaders to deliver sustainable change by identifying and resolving underlying financial, operational and clinical issues.

In 2015, Yvonne joined PwC UK as a healthcare advisory partner to support organisations in the UK and internationally on healthcare transformation, restructuring and governance. Yvonne also led the development and delivery of leadership development programmes for NHS England, supporting the implementation of integrated care systems across the UK.

In 2022, Yvonne returned to PwC Ireland. She has worked with the HSE on several critical programmes and strategic initiatives, including the COVID-19 vaccination strategy and subsequent rollout of the vaccination programme, the implementation of public health reform, and the development of the national genetics and genomics strategy.

Yvonne is a member of Chartered Accountants Ireland.

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