Living our purpose and values

PwC's Code of Conduct

Man sitting at a desk in an office talking to colleagues

What we do matters

Our Code of Conduct (Code) sets out what's expected of us. It outlines our core principles - integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour. It shows us how we should turn principles into actions and holds us accountable to always give our best.

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Explore the Code of Conduct

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Explore the Code's five major sections

Speak up

Speaking up when something doesn't seem right demonstrates our integrity and that we have the courage to do the right thing. This section of the Code covers when and how to express concerns and report situations that don't seem right.

Build trust in how we do business

This section of the Code sets out what’s expected of us as professionals. We maintain our reputation by upholding professional standards, adhering to applicable laws and regulations, and fulfilling ethical obligations while delivering high quality, innovative work.

Build trust in how we use information

We respect the privacy and confidentiality of information of our clients, our people and others with whom we do business. We protect personal and other confidential information in all forms and never misuse it. We use good judgement on social media.

Build trust in our communities

This part of the Code addresses how we present ourselves to the world and to the markets in which we operate. We aim to gain the trust of our stakeholders by showing care, openness and honesty, and focusing relentlessly on ethics and quality.

Build trust with each other

The section of the Code talks to how we treat each other at work. Trust is key to working effectively with our colleagues and serving our clients. It begins with each of us treating each other with care, courtesy, dignity, fairness and respect.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct sets out a common framework around how we are expected to behave and do the right thing.


Tax Code of Conduct

Making sound judgements when advising on tax matters and adhering to all tax laws is fundamental to our purpose in building trust.

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Third Party Code of Conduct

We require the same standard of behaviour from third parties and their personnel that we require from our own people.

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PwC Code of Conduct

Our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. Our Code of Conduct reflects this purpose through a core set of shared values. It sets out a common framework around how we behave and do the right thing.

The trust that our clients, our communities and our people place in PwC and our high standards of ethical behaviour are fundamental to everything we do. As we go about our work, we must have a frame of reference for the decisions we make every day. Our Code of Conduct guides us no matter where we are or what we do.

Our Code of Conduct reinforces the importance of conducting business within the framework of professional standards, laws and regulations, together with our policies, values and standards. It outlines the values and behaviours that define how we do business. It holds us accountable to be open-minded and responsive and to give our best.

PwC Ethics helpline

Speak up. Listen up. Follow up. We offer a safe place, free from retaliation, for our people, clients and third parties to report a concern or ask a question.

Our Code of Conduct is supported by our Tax Code of Conduct and Third Party Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct sets out a common framework around how we are expected to behave and do the right thing.


Tax Code of Conduct

Making sound judgements when advising on tax matters and adhering to all tax laws is fundamental to our purpose in building trust.

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Third Party Code of Conduct

We require the same standard of behaviour from third parties and their personnel that we require from our own people.

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Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct sets out a common framework around how we are expected to behave and do the right thing.


Tax Code of Conduct

Making sound judgements when advising on tax matters and adhering to all tax laws is fundamental to our purpose in building trust.

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Third Party Code of Conduct

We require the same standard of behaviour from third parties and their personnel that we require from our own people.

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Third-party Code of Conduct

At PwC, we expect the same level of integrity and business conduct from our third parties and their personnel as we do our own people. These standards are explained in our Third-party Code of Conduct. Knowing, understanding, and behaving according to the Third-party Code is a fundamental requirement to working for or with PwC. PwC expects third parties to be mindful of their ethical responsibilities and to embed the behaviours outlined in Third-party Code into their work for or with PwC.

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